Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Story time. I'll start.

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to go on a grand adventure with his beautiful wife. He had in secret been saving money for this trip for many years. then one day he quit he job and told his wife they where going. she asked him "what about money? how will we pay for all this?" When she asked him this, he proudly opened a large suit case stuffed with money. In a some what apprehensive tone she ask "where did you get all that? you didn't do any thing wrong did you?" To which he responded..........


lizS said...

"of course i did. i had to knock over a least a dozen banks in as many years to accumulate this wealth. i did it because i love you, and want you to be happy, and now we can go retire on some tropical island somewhere and do nothing but work on our tans for the rest of our lives." she was of course asounded, and he was completely unprepared for her reaction which was......

lizS said...

i meant "asTounded". no cracks on my spelling people. it's the typing that is at fault.

timpani76 said...

Even though we're old, I'm pregnant and I just can't let a child be raised in an environment of criminals, or chronic sunbathers, whichever. What will we do? Where will we go? Should I just turn you in and take the money to raise our child alone?

Bruce said...

then in hurt and anger he replied, "do you realy want to cross a man with this much money. just calm down and lets talk about what we want to do. did you say your pregnent? i think you cheated on me."

timpani76 said...

NO! I didn't cheat on you! I had your vastectomy reversed while you were sleeping! I always wanted a baby, at least before I found out you were a bank robber! And, apparently, a pretty good one at that!

Anonymous said...

trent says...
I did all this hardwork for you and you cheat on me! I risk beening sent to jain for the rest of my life! I'm not going to let you in on my great plan. With all this money I can leave you and spend all the money on me.

timpani76 said...

I just told you I didn't cheat! You never listen to me when I rant in lyrics and rhyme in iambic pentameter! Dr. Seuss makes more sense than I do, but at least he would listen to me! If he weren't dead, and I wasn't pregnant, I would leave you for him!

Eyepoke said...

"Whaddaya mean Dr. Suess is pregant with my love child?!?!?!" the man (whose name it developes was Barney)yelled feverishly. "How the heck is that even possible?! I always knew you were a crazy nutter! well heres what I think of you and your vacation plans!" Barney reached into his


Bruce said...

coat an pulled out a huge....peperment stick. he unraped it and stuck it in....

Anonymous said...

How do you un-rape a peppermint stick?!


timpani76 said...

(shut up John)

He stuck it in a magical peppermint stick ran machine (which his wife just noticed at that very moment) that burst out with white and red bubbles. The bubbles scooped them both up and started floating them away, out the door, into the sky...