Tuesday, April 22, 2008

and so it begins.....again

I went to my parents house yesterday and worked with my dad to get my new bike ready to ride. I am going to go on a 20 mile ride tonight with my race team(team godzilla). So I once again begin the process of loosing weight. I am at 251 today and plan on trying to drop 30 pounds by August the 9th. Please, I am begging all of you to not let me stop working out after the wood river try is over. I would like to be down to 205 or at least under 210 by this time next year and never go over 215 for the rest of my life. So the weight loss train is leaving the station, who's going with me. Take no prisoners. Kill em all!, let God sort them out.


lizS said...

hooray! i'm on board! i want to lose like 10 or maybe even fifteen, but the main thing is i need to get stronger, and work on my heart. so, i'm with a couple of months when it's safe. *grrrr*

Brad Carter said...

Good luck! I've been slowly losing for almost 2 years now - 33 lbs so far. Another 30 or so to go. Slow, but I'm getting there. I've completely given up Pepsi and donut binging.

Bruce said...

slow is the way to go brad. and one of my big problems is soda. i love soda. i don't particuly like dirnking water. i want somthing with flavor, and i like the flavor of soda. oh soda, sweet nector. especially mt. dew. love the dew. it does not have to be soda, i like coolaid or juice too. i have found though, that if i work out on a remotly routine bassis i can take and keep weight off. i refuse to drink diet soda though. i would rather be fat or not drink soda than to drink diet soda. i road tonight, and it sucked. new better bike and my average speed was over 2 mph slower than what i was doing at the end of last year and i skipped the hard section of the coarse.

Brad Carter said...

Soda is evil on so many levels, rotting your teeth and making you fat. I thought I had horrible insomnia my entire life, until I quit drinking soda about a year and a half ago. Now I sleep fine. Turns out I was just hopped up on caffeine all the time.

Water is a perfect soda replacement, since you're supposed to drink 2 liters of it a day anyway. I barely even miss it anymore.

lizS said...

oh suck it up! after you have quit drinking it, you don't even miss the soda. and what's more, the more you drink water, the more you crave it over anything else. now, i'm not say that the occasional soda or juice or whatever is bad. moderation in all things, and if you cut it out completely, then you're dieting, and you haven't changed your lifestyle, and you will, sure as shootin', fail at some point, because deprevation, ie diets, DON'T WORK. so says the almight liz.
(and if anyone knows about this stuff it's me. comes with the anorexic mindset:))

Bruce said...

i will not compleetly stop drinking soda. i will cut back DRAMATICLY though. and i will drink a lot more water.

Dana Cheryl said...

Hey ya'll!!

I'm in with ya. I started utilizing the tips given on I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna as well as using South Beach Diet recipes. All in all I've lost about 13 lbs and 14.5 inches in less than six weeks. Initially was dropping anywhere from 1 to 4 lbs a day. (Shedding water and the like.) Now I'm losing about 1 to 2 lbs a week.

I had to give up soda because the caffeine made me munchie. I found myself eating even when I wasn't truly hungry.

Keep me honest folks and I'll do the same for you, :)

Renae said...

Good for you Dana & Brad! I'll be joining the race in about two months. Right now my goal is to just not become a complete blob. I can't wait to get back to normal.

timpani76 said...

Wow, it disturbs me to see such blatant soda-bashing on such an otherwise nice blog. You think in a group of educated people this sort of thing would not exist anymore. It saddens me, and makes me angry enough to, you know, take over the soda repressing government with malatov cocktails and dirty bombs.

I'm offended for soda junkies everywhere (including myself, my only defense being it's diet coke).

Brad Carter said...

timpani, I'm sorry but it's just the way I was raised. My parents were soda bashers and theirs were too. I try to raise my kids the same way, but I have a feeling the hate will end with their generation.

Coke vs Water

(I'm sorry, I couldn't help but to post that link.)

Bruce said...

bla bla bla. sweet necter. give me soda or give me...what was i saying? does any one know what their BMI is. just so you know i think bmi one of the least reliable, not to mention stupid ways to gauge fitness.

Dana Cheryl said...


Don't get me wrong! I miss soda like mad and I do occasionally indulge. It's just that I'd gained sooooo much weight. (50 lbs while serving my mish and soon after!!!) Drastic and painful measure had to be taken. I wasn't easy either. First I had to give up my sweet tea (talk about nectar of the gods... that's it!) for my soul and then soda for my body. It's like I've had a complete overhaul! ha ha!

Nope I have no idea about my BMI. I do have one of those scales that measures the percent of body fat but I don't know how accurate that it either.

I'm measure my success primarily by the inches I lose and by the diminished cravings...

Brad Carter said...

I used to go into soda withdrawls when I went without it for a day. I still drink a Pepsi, maybe once every month or two. But rarely a full 20 ounces of it. I used to average at least 40 ounces per day.

Those are good sites for tracking your daily workouts and your calories. I used to use sparkpeople several times a day to track everything for me. It made me realize how insane my daily calorie intake was. I don't use it anymore since I've gotten good at knowing what I should and shouldn't eat. Might be a good way to get you started, though.

lizS said...

aw, timpani, i'm not anti-soday. i'm just pro-water. :)
and thanks for the links brad, that's awesome. it's better if i let someone else track my calories for me cause i tend to go overboard.

Renae said...

Brad, I'll check out your sights. I think I'll go ahead and "join the race" now. I am truly, for the first time in my life, feeling like a lard butt. Being pregnant, and breaking my rib, causing the 9 month pause in my running career, has me feeling gigantic. It's not too soon to start, right? Being healthier is a good thing anytime.

timpani76 said...

I'm pro-water too, don't get me wrong. I've drank 6-10 glasses a day since I was 15 (sometimes more due to preggo or nursing). I think lack of water is the number one cause of most people's headaches. I need water to keep from getting heat sick everyday in the warmer months.

I just really like my fountain diet coke with half ice and cherry flavoring and....drool...sweet sweet soda.

I don't know my BMI either.

Bruce said...

i can say that wile i have set a gole of 205lbs for my self, i don't care what the number is. i want to look in the mirror and be remotly happy(or at least not disgusted) with how i look and, i want to be fast in the races i do. of corse the fact that heart troubles run rampit on both sides of my fam is a stimulis too. i had to drop sweet tea too. it't been a while, but as i remember, good stuff.

CJ said...

My goal is to looooose 30 lbs but lets be realistic and say 20 lbs. Heck I will go for inches at this point. I guess that means I need to get off my tokisk and move. I think that when you work out your body just dosn't crave the bad stuff as much. I know I tend to eat better when I work out. WoodRiver triathalon here I come.

Dana Cheryl said...

Brad, thanks for the links. Very cool! I love when other people do the research and I benefit!!!

Renae, right on it's never to earlier to get healthy but you a lard butt... never gonna happen!

Pro-water LOL!

8-10 glasses of water a day!!! Wow! See I can't drink that much water even without soda. You deserve the soda!

Bruce said...

i had water with dinner last night and juice today with lunch. but i going on a road trip with lydia tonight and will clearly be drinking way to much soda.

Dana Cheryl said...

I'm with ya! I'm driving cross country and that make Diet Dr. Pepper my best friend!!!

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