who knew i still had a face under the hair. i know it sounds kinda weird but i kinda forget that i have a cleft in my chin some times. and my upper lip his huge. i shaved on a whim the other day and remembered why i like to keep a beard. shaving sucks. i would rather keep my legs shaved than my face. the dimple in my chin and lip are hard to shave. i could not hardly get all the whiskers off. and the spot right under my nose was almost impossible. I'm glad my wife prefers me with facial hair. she actually complains just a bit on the rare occasion i shave. and she makes fun of my "huge upper lip." it kind of scared me this past Sunday when a member of the bishopric stopped me and asked if i would come and speak to him about a new calling. i though, "oh great, its like they where waiting for me to shave so they could give me some new calling." (obviously they don't wait for you to shave to give you callings) i had visions of having to keep shaved for the next few years. but it wasn't one of those callings so, joy of joys i get to grow my beard back. we really should count our blessings. God works in mysterious ways. speaking of that. i feel very humbled and blessed that we where brought a care package from the church again this year. there was easily a few hundred dollars worth of food and other stuff they brought us. it means a lot, as Renae just got done paying the bills and we are very short of funds(not unusual). so here is me proclaiming my gratitude on the WWW for the blessings my fam has received.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
face face face
Posted by Bruce at 8:10 AM
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I can't say I wanted a close up of your butt chin. Especially all naked like that ;)
We got food from the church too. It's a warm fuzzy feeling isn't it?
ps-I have some diapers and dishwasher detergent for you guys!
so i guess we are in the poor folks club. it is kida nice to know some one is thinking of us. my "naked butt chin." interesting way to put it.
No, I like cleft chins. Very manly. I was just teasing.
naked butt face.
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