Saturday, November 8, 2008

peace, love, and smoke dope

no. i have not been smoking dope as my blood shot eyes my imply. actually i have pink eye. what joy what fun. i had about 10 people ask "what on earth happened to your eyes?" and when i told them they would take the automatic step backwards. come to think of it, it was a little funny.


lizS said...

oh man! both eyes even! we had that as a little family once (before erik) and it totally feels like worms are squirming around in your eyeballs. yuck! i won't be coming to your house anytime soon, either. by the way.

timpani76 said...

Oooh, pink eye. The kissing disease!

Dana Cheryl said...

i think that smoking dope would be more fun but fine if you want pink eye then have at it. lol!

Dana Cheryl said...

Oh and I could be totally wrong about the dope thing... That just one of those things I never tried. No interest. Seemed silly to me. I'm too practical for drugs. lol!

Bruce said...

im fat enough i dont kneed the munchies. and im prity sure mono is the kissing disease.

Eyepoke said...

That's an awesome picture!

Eyepoke said...

The universal attitude amongst the sibs (Bruce included) has always been- we are pretty fraggin unusual stone cold sober. It'd be hard to top that.