who knew a kid could look so happy holding the corps of a dead animal. he called it brer rabbit. we have been reading uncle remus stories at bed time lately.

lid was all about messing with the rabbit. she helped me skin it and every thing. she insisted on taking on of the back feet as a lucky rabbits foot. i did point out that it hadn't been to lucky for the rabbit. so my 10 year old girl knows how to prep a rabbit. do you? i am training my kids to be ready for armageddon.
and the title was a reference to bugs bunny. if you where a fan of bugs you shouldn't be able to keep your self from singing. its OK i did too.
where did you get a dead rabbit?
i killed it.
Thanks, now that song will be stuck in my head. Lydia could be a vet or an ER nurse!
how did you kill it?
with a pellet gun. who knows, she may just want to kill and eat the critters
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