i love that on my last post, i spoke about my excitement for the upcoming hunt and put in one little line about twilight, and that mostly what you girls saw was about twilight. the hunt sucked by the way. but sense you dont seem to care about that i will tell you that i finished twilight last sunday. now lydia is reading it. well i think im going to be reading it to her. i went to the book store so i could procure the other three books only to find out that they are only available in hard back at this time and cost about $19 apiece. so now im at the mercy of the library. renae said the part about the guy showing up as her prom date wasnt in the movie. that a shame, i thought that was the funniest part of the whole book. i laughed out loud when i read it. please dont tell me other things that are screwed up with the movie, i will see it for my self.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
the long awated day has arived
I have been looking forward to today sense about february 1st. i leave to go to deer camp tonight. i will be gone until at least late saturday night, and prob not till sunday night. i killed the biggest deer in camp last year and hope to do so again this year. we really need the meat so i hope i get a couple big ones. i feel like a little kid with christmas coming. i really am geeking out. i stayed up late last night getting all my stuff set out and ready to go. i keep looking at the clock wanting the day to go by fast and it is because all the thing im busy with at work. the problem is that i still have a lot to get done and am running out of time. i was hoping to get out of here a little early but at this point i will settle for not late.
P.S. i started reading twilight today
Posted by Bruce at 12:12 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
one moore
this is the vid i was talking about. so like liz said, this is not one of those fake forward e-mails. it happens. i totally sympathise with the Tongan guys. not much would get me to go out and confront some one, but messing with one of my(obviously Gods) temples well that gets me fired up.
Posted by Bruce at 1:05 PM 13 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
thats it take my name off the rolls
see i thought we where into freedom of choice until i sew this. who knew we where such haters.
do you think the people who put this together actually talked to any one who belongs two the church?
Posted by Bruce at 6:19 PM 9 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit
Posted by Bruce at 5:55 PM 5 comments