Thursday, May 22, 2008

and now you will be punished

the other night my cousin called me. now you have to remember that he has problems. drinking, smoking, and a variety of other drug issues. he said "hey man i want to get back in shape. lets go running." i asked "tonight? its 9:15pm and im not home yet." "yeah, why not?" "ok, meet me at my house. we will go." so he shows up in skater shoes. so i got him some old running shoes of mine. past their prime but still o.k. we stretch and go out side. i decided to take him on a about 1.5 mile flat coarse run. we walk out to the street and he says "hold on a sec." at which point he runs over to his truck and gets out a...dun dun daaaaaa!!! you guessed it. a cigarette. he lights up and says lets go. like i said i WAS going to take the flat course. instead we turned right and went on the "holy crap this sucks" course. he made almost a quarter mile before he had to walk the first time. of the two mile "run" we ran maybe 1 mile. on the home stretch he said something about me being better about distance. so we did a small sprint and yep i beat him. i was going to be nice and take the easy trail but the sig flipped a switch inside, and i said to my self "ok fat boy, time to teach this kid (he is 25) a lesson. he was hacking up a lung when we finished, so i told him "smoke another one, maybe that will make you feel better." every body starts where they are at, but don't light up while we go running.


lizS said...

that's hilarious! i had a boyfriend (pre-john, although actually his name was john too, that's funny) that i took to shotokan with me, and he did the same thing. he was wheezing and white as a sheet before we even got through the warm-ups! he didn't quit smoking though, he just gave up shotokan.

timpani76 said...

It almost makes you feel sorry for smokers, almost...

Dana Cheryl said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! B, you're an evil genius. ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Glad to know ya.

LOL! Lighting up BEFORE/WHILE running...

So how's the weight loss coming? I've lost an additional six lbs. and lots more inches. Woo Hoo!

Eyepoke said...

Kudos to Chance though for getting started!

Dana Cheryl said...

So here comes J and makes us all feel bad for laughing at the guy. You just had to go and be supportive!! ;)

Seriously though I do hope he sticks with it.

Eyepoke said...

Yeah you guys are all gonna burn, unlike me.

Bruce said...

i hope he sticks with it too, but come on. you fully get to trash on him for smoking while running.

Dana Cheryl said...

Truly it is one of the funniest things I've read in a long, long time... Except for the current political propaganda.

Bruce said...

btw j, love the tag picture. what is realy funny is i took that pic of you at church.